Engineering Letters

Engineering Letters is published both online and in print. The journal covers the frontier issues in engineering and computer science and their applications in business, industry and other subjects. The subjects covered by the journal include artificial intelligence, bioinformatics, computational statistics, database, data mining, financial engineering, hardware systems, imaging engineering, industrial engineering, internet computing, networking, operations research, scientific computing, software engineering, applications, etc.

ISSN: 1816-0948 (online version); 1816-093X (print version)


Editorial Board Members (Associate Editors)

Page: p1, p2, p3, p4, p5

Juha Roning

Professor of Embedded System and Head

Department of Electrical and Information Engineering, University of Oulu

Prof. Juha Roning (1957) has been a member of faculty of the University of Oulu from 1983, where he is currently Professor of Embedded System and Head of the Department of Electrical and Information Engineering. He obtained the degree of Doctor of Technology in 1992, Licentiate in Technology with honors in 1985, and Diploma in Engineering (MSEE) with honors in 1983, all at the University of Oulu in Finland. He is principal investigator of the Intelligent Systems Group (ISG). In 1985 he received Asla/Fullbright scholarship. From 1985 to 1986 he was a visiting research scientist in the Center for Robotic Research at the University of Cincinnati. From 1986 to1989 he held a Young Researcher Position in the Finnish Academy. In 2000 he was nominates as Fellow of SPIE. Professor Roning has two patents and has published more than 150 papers in the areas of computer vision, robotics, intelligent signal analysis, and software security. His main research interests are in intelligent systems, especially mobile robots, machine vision, and software security. He is a member of SPIE, IEEE, International Society for Computers and Their Applications (ISCA), Sigma Xi, Finnish Pattern Recognition Society, and Finnish Artificial Intelligence Society (FAIS).

Wuyi Yue

Professor of Department of Information Science and Systems Engineering

Director of Institute of Intelligent Information and Communications Technology, Konan University, Japan

Prof. Wuyi Yue is currently a professor of Department of Information Science and Systems Engineering and Director of Institute of Intelligent Information and Communications Technology, Konan University, Japan. Dr. Yue received her B.Eng. degree in electronic engineering from Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, and the M.Eng. and Dr.Eng. degrees in applied mathematics and physics from Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan. Prof. yue's research interests include queueing theory and
its application to system modeling, performance analysis, performance evaluation and optimal resource allocation for mobile wireless communication networks, multimedia communication networks, traffic systems, stochastic systems and information systems, optimization problems in the Markov decision processes, systems engineering and operations research, information systems, stochastic processes, networks optimization, learning networks, applications in multimedia networks, databases and distributed Systems, Web operating systems, etc. Prof. Yue has published more than 130 journal papers and international conference papers, and 5 books (as a co-author), including papers in IEEE Trans. on Communications, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, IEEE Trans. on Vehicular Technology, IEICE Trans. on Communications, IEICE Trans. on Fundamentals of Electronics, Journal of Communications and Computers, Journal of Telecommunication Systems, Journal of OR Society of Japan, Journal of International Trans. in Operational Research, AIMS Journal of Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems-Series B, AIMS Journal of Industrial Management and Optimization. Prof. Yue is member of Editorial Boards of several journals.

Trong Wu

Prof. Trong Wu obtained his Ph.D. degree from the University of Louisiana at Lafayette, 1982. He has been with the Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, from 1986 to present, firstly as assistant professor, then associate professor, and now professor. He has been visiting associate professor of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1992-1993. HIS RESEARCH INTEREST: Petri Nets; Simulation and Modeling; Data Mining; Computer and Network Security; System Reliability; Numerical and Statistical Computation; Software Engineering; Computer System Performance Evaluation; Ada Programming Language; Rough number and Granular Computing.

Frederick Crabbe

Dr. Frederick Crabbe received an A.B. in Computer Science and Philosophy from Dartmouth College in 1992. He received his M.S. and Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) in 1996 and 2000. Since 2000, he has been on the faculty in the Computer Science Department at the United States Naval Academy, as an Assistant and now Associate Professor. His research interests include robotic modelling of animal behavior, robot planning, and artificial intelligence robotics education.

David Camacho

Associate Professor

Computer Science Department at the Autonomous University of Madrid, Spain

Dr. David Camacho is an Associate Professor in the Computer Science Department at the Autonomous University of Madrid (Spain). He received a Ph.D. in Computer Science (2001) from Universidad Carlos III de Madrid for his work on coordination of planning heterogeneous aggents to solve problems with information gathered from the Web. He received a B.S. in Physics (1994) from Univesidad Complutense de Madrid. His research interests include multi-agent systems, Distributed Artificial Intelligence, Web Service technologies, Knowledge representation, automated planning and Machine learning. He is the managing editor of the International Journal of Computer Science & Applications (IJCSA). He has been selected as a chairman and member of the organizing committee for several international conferences.

Khaldoun Tahboub

Dr. Khaldoun Tahboub has been the Chairman, Industrial Engineering Department, University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan, during the periods of September 2004 - September 2005, September 2002 - September 2003, and September 1996 - September 1997. He is also the Director, Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM) Lab, 1993 ¡V present. Dr. Tahboub has obtained his Ph.D. degree in Industrial Engineering, June 1992, from Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, USA. His areas of research interest include: Automation and Robotics; Design, Analysis, and Continuous Improvement of Production Systems.

Dobrila Petrovic

Dr. Dobrila Petrovic received BSc and MSc, both in Mathematics/Computer Science, from the University of Belgrade, Yugoslavia, in 1986 and 1991, respectively, and PhD in Engineering, from the University of Warwick, UK, in 1998. She is a Reader in Optimisation and Control at Faculty of Engineering and Computing, Coventry University, and a member of the Control Theory and Applications Centre (CTAC). Prior to this, she worked as a Senior Researcher in Mihajlo Pupin Institute, (an R&D institute), in Belgrade, Yugoslavia. She has published over 15 papers in distinguished scientific journals, and over 60 papers in proceedings of international conferences. Her main research areas are: treating uncertainty by means of fuzzy sets in various applications including inventory and production management and control, supply chain management and control, spare parts control; production scheduling; forecasting; hybrid optimisation and simulation models for inventory and supply chain management and control problems; multicriteria decision making; biomedical computing. Dr. Petrovic has acted as a member of more than 10 programme/refereeing committees of international conferences.

Longbing Cao

Dr. Longbing Cao has 16 years of academic experience in electronic engineering and computer sciences, and of industrial experience and leadership in telecom and capital markets. He targets interdisciplinary and cross-disciplinary research and development in complex systems and intelligent sciences, business intelligence and real-world data mining, integration of multi-agent technology and data mining, etc. In his research, he published more than 40 refereed international conference and journal papers; published three books, and one ongoing monograph by Springer on engineering open complex agent systems; served as PC members for around 10 international conferences such as AAMAS05; served as team leader and coordinator to lead/coordinate some big cross-organizational research projects. In the industry, he has: Coordinating the data mining projects at Australian Capital Market Cooperative Center, targeting domain-driven real-world data mining at capital markets; Acted as Chief Technical Officer in a high-tech BI company in China for three years, developing Business Intelligence/Data Mining/Customer Relationship Management services and products for telecom and public services; Led to win some big world-wide bidding contracts.

Nasser Jazdi

Assistant Director and lecturer

Institute of Industrial Automation and Software Engineering (IAS), University of Stuttgart, Germany

Dr. Nasser Jazdi received his Diploma (M.S) and Ph.D. in 1997, 2003 respectively from the University of Stuttgart, Germany in Electrical and Computer Engineering. He joined the Institute of Industrial Automation and Software Engineering (IAS), University of Stuttgart as Assistant Director and lecturer in 2003. His areas of research interest include: Web-based Maintenance and Diagnosis of Embedded Systems, Component based Software Development of Embedded Systems, Agile Methods of Software Development, Soft Computing and Software Engineering. Dr. Jazdi collaborates with many industries including Bosch GmbH, DaimlerChrysler AG, ads-tec GmbH and WMF AG. He is responsible for a research and teaching cooperation between University of Stuttgart and UFAM (Universidade Federal Do Amazonas), Brazil since 2002.

Dr. Kamrul Ahsan

Dr. Ahsan joined Auckland University of Technology (AUT), New Zealand, in February 2005 as senior lecturer in Management. He teaches supply chain, operations and project management. His current research includes reverse logistics, project performance analysis, and sustainable supply chain management. Dr. Ahsan obtained his PhD from Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan in 2003. He obtained his M.Eng. degree in Industrial Engineering and Management from Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), Thailand in 1997 and completed B. Sc. Engineering in Mechanical degree from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET) in 1995. He was a visiting research fellow at University of Missouri, St. Louis, USA and visiting research scholar at the School of Management, Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand in 2008. Dr. Ahsan has research experience in project management, operations management and health care system modelling. His publications have appeared in peer-reviewed journals in the areas of project scheduling, project performance analysis, health systems modelling and supply chain management. He has taken part in a number of international conferences and worked as reviewer for many international journals. Dr. Ahsan is a member of Project Management Institution (PMI) and the Association for Operations Management (APICS).

Michael O'Neill

Dr. Michael O'Neill is a lecturer in the School of Computer Science and Informatics at University College Dublin. He has over 70 publications in the area of Natural Computing including the seminal book on Grammatical Evolution published by Kluwer in 2003, and more recently the publication of the book Biologically Inspired Algorithms for Financial Modelling published by Springer in 2006. He received his Ph.D. in the area of Evolutionary Computation (Grammatical Evolution) from the University of Limerick in 2001, his primary degree (B.Sc.) from University College
Dublin in 1996 majoring in Biochemistry, and also the H.Dip.(Comp.Sci) in 1997 from University College Dublin.

Abdesselam Redouane

Dr. Abdesselam Redouane received his PhD in Computer Science from the University of Manchester in UK. Currently, he is faculty of Computer Science at Al Ghurair University, UAE, where he is active in enhancing the Computer Science program and teaching state of the art courses. Before joining Al Ghurair University, he worked at the University of Annaba, Algeria, and Mid Sweden University, Sweden. Dr. Abdesselam has many years of North America industrial experience where he designed and developed software from wireless to reservation systems and this at corporations like BitFlash and Air Canada. His research interests include formal methods, e-commerce protocols, game semantics and object oriented specification languages.

Nazmul Siddique

Lecturer, School of Computing and Intelligent Systems

University of Ulster at Magee, UK

Dr. Siddique has been a Lecturer in School of Computing and Intelligent Systems, University of Ulster at Magee, UK since 2001. Prior to that he was with Computer Science and Engineering Discipline, Khulna University, Bangladesh since 1991. He received his PhD in intelligent control from the University of Sheffield, England. His research interests relate to intelligent systems, computational intelligence, perception-based system modelling, evolutionary robotics and neuro-fuzzy-evolutionary hybrid techniques. Applications of the research include control systems, robotics, pattern recognition, vision systems, and signal processing. Dr Siddique has published some 50 journal/refereed conference papers, book chapter and book.


Olaf Droegehorn

Professor, Software-Engineering & Internet Technologies, Department of Automation and Computer Sciences, University of Applied Sciences Harz, Germany

Prof. Olaf Droegehorn a professor of Software-Engineering & Internet Technologies, Department of Automation and Computer Sciences, University of Applied Sciences Harz, Germany. He got the position of an assistant professor (C1) at the University of Kassel after receiving his Ph.D from the Universities of Duisburg. There Dr. Droegehorn is leading now the competence centre for "Mobile Middleware" within the chair for communication technology. Dr. Droegehorn has EC and international project experience since 1999 and is now the main contact in the 6th Framework Program of the EC and within WWRF (Wireless World Research Forum) / WWI (Wireless World Initiative) for the University of Kassel. He is the co-chair of the international conference Internet Computing (IComp, since 2002), held in the USA.

M.D. R-Moreno

Dr M.D. R-Moreno has a PhD in Computer Sciences by the Universidad de Alcala (UAH) in Madrid (Spain) with the distinction of the European Doctorate (the thesis was written and defended in English under an European committee). She has been the subdirector of the Computer Sciences School at the UAH. Dr. R-Moreno has participated in several research projects funded by European Union and the Spanish government. She has performed several visits to different international centres such as British Telecom Adastral Park in U.K, CNR in Rome or NASA Ames Research Centre in USA. Dr. R-Moreno has over 40 publications in International Conferences, books and journals in computer sciences and engineering areas.


G.Ganesan has been working as Professor in Department of Mathematics in Adikavi Nannaya University, Rajahmundry, Andhra Pradesh, India. His topics of research include: Rough Sets; Fuzzy Sets; Fuzzy Logic.

Prof. Michele Luglio
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Elettronica, University of Rome "Tor Vergata".

Dr. David Mulvaney
Senior Lecturer in the Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering at Loughborough University, U.K.

Dr. Andreas S. Andreou
Lecturer, Department of Computer Science, University of Cyprus, Cyprus

Prof. Soon-Geul Lee
Professor, School of Advanced Technology, Kyung Hee University, South Korea

Dr. Tom Coffey
Professor of Electronic & Computer Engineering, University of Limerick, IRELAND

Prof. Janet Meiling Wang Roveda
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, The University of Arizona, USA

Prof. Alan Hoi-shou Chan
Department of Manufacturing Engineering and Engineering Management, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Dr. Jan Kwiatkowski
Instytut Informatyki Stosowanej, Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland

Dr. Dale Shires
Research scientist, U.S. Army Research Laboratory, High Performance Computing Division, USA

Prof. Michal Kratky
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, VSB Technical University Ostrava, Czech Republic

Prof. I.M. Premachandra
Department of Finance and Quantitative Analysis, University of Otago, New Zealand

Dr. George Mavrommatis (assistant editor)
Lecturer, Hellenic Military Academy, Greece

Prof. A. Alper OZALP
Associate professor, Engineering and Architecture Faculty, Uludag University, Turkey

Prof. Kalum Priyanath Udagepola
Professor in Information Systems, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia



Editorial Board Members

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