Engineering Letters
Engineering Letters is published both online and in print.
The journal covers the frontier issues in engineering and
computer science and their applications in business, industry and
other subjects. The subjects covered by the journal include artificial
intelligence, bioinformatics, computational statistics, database,
data mining, financial engineering, hardware systems, imaging engineering,
industrial engineering, internet computing, networking, operations
research, scientific computing, software engineering,
applications, etc.
ISSN: 1816-0948 (online version); 1816-093X (print version)
Board Members (Associate Editors)
Page: p1, p2,
Gavin Finnie Professor
of Information Systems & Deputy Dean
School of Information Technology, Bond University,
Australia |
Prof. Gavin Finnie is Professor of Information Systems and Deputy
Dean of the School of Information Technology, Bond University, Australia.
He was previously Professor and Head of Department of Computer Science
and Information Systems at the University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg,
South Africa, between 1990 and 1993. Between 1994 and 1998, he was
Associate Dean (Academic), School of Information Technology, Bond
University. Prof. Finnie has extensive teaching experience in both
Computer Science and Information Systems, and obtains consistently
good evaluations on teaching. He was awarded the Bond University
Students Council Presidents Award for Teaching Excellence in 2002.
This is "to the lecturer/tutor who displays the most outstanding
performance in the previous semester. Students nominate their teachers
based on their dedication, teaching style, approachability, and
going above and beyond the call of duty to assist their students".
Prof. Finnie has published extensively on different journals and
conferences. His current research interests are primarily in the
area of AI/expert system applications in information systems, Electronic
Commerce, Knowledge-Based Systems, Knowledge-Based Software Engineering,
Intelligent Decision Support Systems. The main work at present is
in applications of Artificial Intelligence and Case Based reasoning
in software development effort estimation and electronic bargaining.
Michel Barbeau
Professor and Associate Director
School of Computer Science, Carleton
Dr. Michel Barbeau is a full Professor and the Associate Director,
School of Computer Science, Carleton University. He has got his
B.Sc. Computer Science from Universite de Sherbrooke (1985), M.Sc.
Computer Science from Universite de Montreal (1987) and Ph.D. Computer
Science from Universite de Montreal (1991). He had been a Professor
at Universite de Sherbrooke (1991-1999) and a visiting researcher
at Aizu University, Japan (1998-1999) and Alcatel Canada (2004-2005).
He can be described best as a software expert with specific expertise
in telecommunications protocols (link, network, transport), mobile
and wireless networks, satellite telecommunications, object-oriented
design and programming, distributed objects and operating systems.
His academic honours include: Research Achievement Award, Carleton
University, 2005; Governor Generals Academic Gold Medal, Universite
de Montreal, 1991. He has published about 40 research papers in
referred journals and conferences, and he is the owner of two patents.
B. D. Aggarwala
Prof. B. D. Aggarwala is Professor Emeritus, Department of Mathematics
and Statistics, University of Calgary. He has taught Mathematics
at McGill University in Montreal, and then at the University of
Calgary, Calgary, Canada since 1960. He served for two years as
the Chairman of the Division of Applied Mathematics here at the
University of Calgary and as chairman, I designed both the undergraduate
and the graduate curriculum in Applied Mathematics. Numerical solutions
of Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations being one of my areas
of expertise, I have considerable experience with the Mathematical
Software called 'Mathematica'. He has published more than seventy
research papers in the area of Applied Mathematics and Engineering.
Currently his interests are in mathematical modeling for HIV/AIDS
Chakib Chraibi Full
Professor and Faculty Representative to the
Information Technology Advisory Council
Barry University |
Dr. Chakib Chraibi obtained a Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics from
the University of Bordeaux (France) and a Ph.D. in Computer Science
from Binghamton University (New York). He is currently a Full Professor
at Barry University in Miami, Florida and the Faculty Representative
to the Information Technology Advisory Council. He brings significant
experience in industry to academia from his work at Honeywell Bull
and through industry funded grants. His research interests are real-time
computer systems and computer networks, Internet and web programming,
programming languages, operating Systems, object-oriented design
and software engineering, computer simulation and performance. Dr.
Chraibi has received several awards, including the Distinguished
Dissertation Award in the category of Mathematics, Sciences, and
Engineering and the Graduate Award for Excellence in Research. He
has also been included in the Who's Who Among Teachers in America
(1998, 2000 and 2005 editions).
Padmanabhan Krishnan
Professor of Computer Science
Bond University |
Dr. Padmanabhan Krishnan is Professor of Computer Science at the
Faculty of Information Technology, Bond University. He has been
Associate Dean (Research and Development) at the School of Information
Technology, Bond University (2002-2003). He has got his B.Tech from
IIT Kanpur, MS from U. Michigan, Ann Arbor, and PhD from U. Michigan,
Ann Arbor. He has held various positions at University of Canterbury
(Christchurch New Zealand), Siemens Research (Munich, Germany),
Aarhus University (Aarhus, Denmark) and Texas A&M University
(College Station, USA). He has won several awards including Best
Researcher in the IT Faculty, 2004, and Best Paper (Honorary Mention)
at the Australian Software Engineering Conference, 2004. His research
interests include Software Assurance Software Engineering (Formal
methods, Specification, Verification and Testing), Verification
of Security Protocols, Real-Time systems, and Models for concurrent
Kazumi Nakamatsu
Prof. Kazumi Nakamatsu is a professor of computer science at School
of Human Science and Environment, University of Hyogo, Japan. He
earned his Doctoral degree of Science from Kyushu University, Japan.
He published 8 books and over 80 papers. He was invited by several
organizations to make lectures, to hold a session at international
conferences, and as an editorial committee member or reviewer (International
Journal of Hybrid Intelligent Information Systems and others). He
won the Best Paper Award at the international conference CASYS2000
which was held in Belgium. His current academic interest is mainly
application of a paraconsistent annotated logic program called EVALP
(Extended Vector Annotated Logic Program) that was developed by
himself. He has already developed some intelligent control methods
based on EVALP for traffic signal system, railway interlocking,
discrete event system, and so on.
Tai-Chi Lee
Prof. Tai-Chi Lee has been on the faculty at Saginaw Valley State
University since 1988. He is currently a Professor of Computer Science,
Department of Computer Science and Information Systems. He received
a BS in Mathematics from National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei,
Taiwan, in 1965, a MS in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
from University of Illinois at Chicago in 1986, and a Ph.D. in Applied
Mathematics from University of Utah in 1975. His research interests
include computer architectures, database systems design, image compression,
and cryptography & network security.
Tony White
Dr. Tony White is an Associate Professor in the School of Computer
Science, Carleton University. He received B.A. and M.A. degrees
in Theoretical Physics from Cambridge University (1978, 1981), followed
by M.C.S. and Ph.D. degrees from Carleton University in Computer
Science (1993) and Electrical Engineering (2000) respectively. Prior
to Carleton University, Tony worked with Nortel Networks on agent-based
solutions to network management problems. His research interests
include Software Agents, Evolutionary Computation, Swarm Intelligence
and Autonomic Computing. He has published in excess of 60 papers
and has 7 patents granted with several others pending. He is also
the Chief Technology Officer for Symbium Corporation, a leading
company in Autonomic Computing. He has also served as a member of
the advisory boards of two companies in the area of policy-based
Rajgopal Kannan
Dr. Rajgopal Kannan is currently an Assistant Professor in the
Computer Science department at Louisiana State University. He obtained
his B.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering from IIT-Bombay in
1991 and the Ph.D in Computer Science from the University of Denver
in 1996. His areas of interest are in algorithmic aspects of wireless
sensor networks, game and information theory, data security, interconnection
networks, optical networks, routing and multicasting protocols,
distributed systems and algorithms. He has published extensively
in top tier journals and conferences and his papers have won several
best-paper awards. He is on the technical program committee and
organizer/co-organizer of several conferences. His research work
has been funded by agencies such as NSF, DARPA, AFRL and DOE.
Andrija Maricic
Senior Lecturer in the School of Information Technology
Monash University ¡V Sunway campus Malaysia |
Dr. Andrija Maricic has been a Senior Lecturer in the School of
Information Technology, Monash University ¡V Sunway campus Malaysia
since July 2001. After graduation (November 1969) he worked for
7 years as an engineer and researcher at the Electrotechnical Institute
in "Rade Koncar" Company ("ETI RK" in the sequel)
in Zagreb, capital of Croatia. He was involved in the modelling
and simulation of dynamic processes (on the analog, hybrid and digital
computers), in the development of software for data acquisition
(small nuclear plant) and in the development of a real-time operating
system (application of the DEC's PDP-11/40 computer in gas industry).
During his professional career, he has produced 86 papers which
have been prepared for conferences, project documentation and publication
in scientific journals. Dr. Maricic's biographical information was
listed on the page 236 in the second edition of the "International
Directory of Experts Specialized in Informatics", published
in France (in 1994) by UNESCO (7 place de Fontenoy, 75352 Paris
07 SP). And his biographical data were also included in the 16th
edition (for 1999, page 1025), 17th, 18th, 19th, 20th, 21st and
22nd edition of Marquis publication "Who's Who in the World".
Qusay H. Mahmoud
Assistant Professor, University of Guelph
Associate Chair of the Distributed Computing
and Wireless Telecom program |
Dr. Qusay H. Mahmoud is an Assistant Professor in the Department
of Computing and Information Science at the University of Guelph
(Canada), and Associate Chair of the Distributed Computing and Wireless
Telecom program at the University of Guelph-Humber. He received
his Ph.D. in Computer Science from Middlesex University in London,
England, for his work on Mobile Agents for Wired and Wireless Computing.
In the past, he has worked for Simon Fraser University, Carleton
University, and Newbridge Networks (now Alcatel). His research interests
include agent technology, wireless computing, web services, and
software engineering. Dr. Mahmoud has presented tutorials on developing
wireless and enterprise applications at a number of international
conferences worldwide. He is the author of "Distributed Programming
with Java" and "Learning Wireless Java" and the editor
of the book "Middleware for Communications".
Fidel Cacheda Seijo
Dr. Fidel Cacheda Seijo has been assistant professor at the University
of A Coruna in the Department of Information and Communication Technologies
since October 1998. In February 2003 to July 2003, he is visiting
professor at the University of Glasgow with the Information Retrieval
group. He has got his honours degree of Computer Science in the
University of A Coruna (Spain). And his Ph. D. degree was in Computer
Science, with thesis titled "Web Directory Advanced Data Architecture,
with Optimisation of Restricted Searches to an Area of the Category
Graph". His research areas of interest are information retrieval
on the web, data structures and algorithms for IR, and retrieval
evaluation for web search engines. He has published about 30 research
Soheil Ghiasi
Dr. Soheil Ghiasi is an assistant professor at University of California,
Davis, CA Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. He
has obtained his PhD degree from University of California at Los
Angeles (UCLA) in computer science. His research interests are Embedded
Systems: Embedded System Design techniques; Application-Specific
Programmable Processors and Modules, IP-based system design, embedded
software, compilation, CAD and Design Automation; and Reconfigurable
Computing: Dynamic/Partial Hardware Reconfiguration, Applications,
Design Techniques for Reconfigurable Fabrics and platforms with
heterogeneous computational resources. He has obtained awards like
the Harry M. Showman Prize, Henry Samueli School of Engineering
and Applied Sciences (HSSEAS), UCLA. He has published about 30 referred
research papers.
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