Engineering Letters
Objectives and Scope
Engineering Letters is published with both online and print versions.
The journal covers the frontier issues in the engineering and the
computer science and their applications in business, industry and
other subjects. The computer science is a branch of engineering
science that studies computable processes and structures. It contains
theories for understanding computing systems and methods; computational
algorithms and tools; methodologies for testing of concepts. The
subjects covered by the journal include artificial intelligence,
bioinformatics, computational statistics, database, data mining,
financial engineering, hardware systems, imaging engineering, industrial
engineering, internet computing, networking, operations research,
scientific computing, software engineering, and their applications
Printed copies of the journal are distributed to accredited universities
and government libraries. All the papers in the journal are also
available freely with online full-text content and permanent worldwide
web link. The abstracts will be indexed and available at major academic
ISSN: 1816-0948 (online version); 1816-093X (print
Subject Category: Computer science and engineering
Published by: International Association of Engineers
Contents: Volume 16 Issue 2 (Online version available: 20 May 2008)
Design of Reversible/Quantum Ternary Comparator Circuits
Mozammel H. A. Khan
Engineering Letters, 16:2, EL_16_2_01 [Online Full Text]
3D Controllable Set of Linear Time-Invariant Open-Loop Unstable Systems with Constrained Input – A Submarine Case
Wen-Liang Abraham Wang, and Yen-Ming Chen
Engineering Letters, 16:2, EL_16_2_02 [Online Full Text]
Design of Structured Controller Satisfying H Infinite Loop Shaping using Evolutionary Optimization: Application to a Pneumatic Robot Arm
Somyot Kaitwanidvilai, and Manukid Parnichkun
Engineering Letters, 16:2, EL_16_2_03 [Online Full Text]
Use of Concurrent Wavelet Transform (WT) to Image Compression and a Verification Analysis of Communicating Threads for Concurrent WT
Kamrul Hasan Talukder, and Koichi Harada
Engineering Letters, 16:2, EL_16_2_04 [Online Full Text]
Vector Approximation based Indexing for High-Dimensional Multimedia Databases
I. Daoudi, S.E. Ouatik, A. El Kharraz, K. Idrissi, and D. Aboutajdine
Engineering Letters, 16:2, EL_16_2_05 [Online Full Text]
Prediction of Concentration Profiles of Dispersed Particles through Horizontal Cylindrical Channels
Herbert Loría Molina, Pedro Pereira-Almao, and Carlos Scott
Engineering Letters, 16:2, EL_16_2_06 [Online Full Text]
Two-stage Atomic Layer Deposition of Smooth Aluminum Oxide on Hydrophobic Self-assembled Monolayers
Nobuhiko P. Kobayashi, and R. Stanley Williams
Engineering Letters, 16:2, EL_16_2_07 [Online Full Text]
Teachers’ Views on Conducting Formative Assessment in Chinese Context
Xuefeng Wang
Engineering Letters, 16:2, EL_16_2_08 [Online Full Text]
Tactile Sensing-Based Control Architecture in Multi-Fingered Arm for Object Manipulation
Hanafiah Yussof, Masahiro Ohka, Hirofumi Suzuki, Nobuyuki Morisawa, and Jumpei Takata
Engineering Letters, 16:2, EL_16_2_09 [Online Full Text]
Algebraic Observers to Estimate Unmeasured State Variables of DC Motors
G. Mamani, J. Becedas, V. Feliu-Batlle, and H. Sira-Ramirez
Engineering Letters, 16:2, EL_16_2_10 [Online Full Text]
PID Controller Synthesis with Specified Stability Requirement for Some Classes of MIMO Systems
T. S. Chang, and A. N. Gundes
Engineering Letters, 16:2, EL_16_2_11 [Online Full Text]
Modeling, Control and Simulation of a Novel Mobile Robotic System
Xiaoli Bai, Jeremy Davis, James Doebbler, James D.Turner, and John L.Junkins
Engineering Letters, 16:2, EL_16_2_12 [Online Full Text]
Coming Special Issues of Engineering Letters
Engineering Letters welcomes author submission of papers concerning
any branch of the engineering and the computer science and their
applications in business, industry and other subjects. The subjects
covered by the journal include artificial intelligence, bioinformatics,
computational statistics, database, data mining, financial engineering,
hardware systems, imaging engineering, industrial engineering, internet
computing, networking, operations research, scientific computing,
software engineering, and their applications. With the efforts of the Editorial Board Members of Engineering Letters, the new online version and print version of the journal Engineering Letters has become available to the general public, instead of its old restricted versions.
All submitted papers are to be peer-reviewed for ensuring their
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