Engineering Letters

Engineering Letters is published both online and in print. The journal covers the frontier issues in engineering and computer science and their applications in business, industry and other subjects. The subjects covered by the journal include artificial intelligence, bioinformatics, chemical engineering, computational statistics, database, data mining, electrical engineering, electronics, engineering mathematics, engineering physics, environmental engineering, financial engineering, hardware systems, imaging engineering, industrial engineering, information engineering, internet computing, mechanical engineering, networking, operations research, scientific computing, software engineering, telecommunications, and their applications.

ISSN: 1816-0948 (online version); 1816-093X (print version)

Editorial Board Members


Editorial Board Members

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Prof. Tsakalidis Athanasios
Professor and Chairman
Computer Engineering and Informatics Department of the University of Patras;
R&D-Coordinator, R.A. Computer Technology Institute

Prof. Tsakalidis Athanasios, born in 1950, obtained his Diploma in Mathematics from the University of Thessaloniki, Greece, in 1973, his Diploma in Computer Science (1981) and his Ph.D. (1983) from the University of Saarland, Saarbuecken, Germany (in computer science; advisor: Prof. K. Mehlhorn, who was the director of MAX PLANCK INSTITUTE of INFORMATICS in Germany). He is currently the R&D-Coordinator of the Computer Technology Institute (CTI, Patras-Greece) and a Full Professor in the Department of Computer Engineering and Informatics, University of Partas, Greece. Since 1995, he has been the head of the Laboratory of Graphics, Multimedia and GIS of the Department of Computer Engineering and Informatics. Starting from 2002, he is also a visiting professor at the King College, University of London. His research interests include Data Structures, Graph Algorithms, Computational Geometry, Expert Systems, GIS, Medical Informatics, Databases, Multimedia, Information Retrieval, and Bioinformatics.

Prof. Tsakalidis Athanasios has been one of the co-authors of one of the most significant books of Computer Science, titled "Handbook of Theoretical Computer Science", published by Elsevier Science Publishers and MIT-Press. During the last years he has been involved in several research projects under the framework of the EC programmes: ESPRIT, RACE, AIM, STRIDE, Basic Research Actions in ESPRIT, ESPRIT special Actions, Telematics Applications, ADAPT, HORIZON, INTERREG II, as well as projects funded by the General Secretariat For Research & Technology, Ministry of Development. He is the author of four books: Computational Geometry, Data Structures, Advanced Data Structures and Computer-Graphics and e-Commerce. He has published about 50 referred research articles in international journals and more than 160 referred papers in international conferences. He has been the thesis supervisor of more than 200 students.

Dr. Jari Kaivo-oja

Research Director at Finland Futures Research Centre (FFRC)

Turku School of Economics and Business Administration (TSEBA)

Dr Jari Kaivo-oja has worked for the University of Helsinki, Tampere University of Technology and University of Tampere. In the field of international foresight research, he has done work for the European Commission (Terra2000, co-ordinator RAND Europe, Leiden, the Netherlands), the European Foundation (EUFORIA, co-ordinator PREST, Manchester, UK), Eurostat (Ecostat, co-ordinator Pantheon University, Athens, Greece) and Nordic Innovations Center (NIC, co-ordinator RISOE, Roskilde) as a researcher and research co-ordinator.

Dr Kaivo-oja is an expert member of the Finnish National Futures Sparring Forum, European COST Activity A22 Network (Foresight methodologies), Nordic Foresight Network (Nordic Innovation Area), and European Sustainability Strategy Network. At the FFRC he is a research director responsible for the foresight research field and team management. Dr Kaivo-oja is a full member of the Association of Professional Futurists (APF).

He is the author or co-author of 22 books and 65 referred articles on topics such as foresight tools, futures thinking studies, knowledge society development, innovation management, integrated knowledge management of foresight research, sustainability analysis and evaluation methods, global energy markets and environmental management systems.

Recently in 2005 he has been working with the following foresight projects:

- The Long Run Infrastructures in Finland/Ministry of Environment;
- Changes in the Decision Environment of Traffic Infrastructures in Finland, Ministry of Traffic and Communications;
- Nordic Technology Options and Radical Innovations, Nordic Innovation Centre and 15 partners from the Nordic countries;
- Education Intelligence Foresight, Confederation of Finnish Industries;
- Globalisation and Employment (GLOBE), Finland Futures Research Centre and the Club of Rome
- Satakunta County Foresight System, TE-Centre, Satakunta.
- European COST Activity A22 Network (Foresight methodologies), CORDIS, Tekes.

Prof. Majid Sarrafzadeh

Professor, Computer Science Department

The University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)

Majid Sarrafzadeh received his B.S., M.S. and Ph.D. in 1982, 1984, and 1987 respectively from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in Electrical and Computer Engineering. He joined Northwestern University as an Assistant Professor in 1987. In 2000, he joined the Computer Science Department at University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA). His recent research interests lie in the area of Embedded and Reconfigurable Computing, VLSI CAD, and design and analysis of algorithms. He is a Fellow of IEEE for his contribution to "Theory and Practice of VLSI Design". He received an NSF Engineering Initiation award, two distinguished paper awards in ICCAD, and the best paper award in DAC. He has served on the technical program committee of numerous conferences in the area of VLSI Design and CAD, including ICCAD, DAC, EDAC, ISPD, FPGA, and DesignCon. He has served as committee chairs of a number of these conferences. He is on the executive committee/steering committee of several conferences such as ICCAD, ISPD, and ISQED.

Professor Sarrafzadeh has published approximately 250 papers, is a co-editor of the book "Algorithmic Aspects of VLSI Layout" (1994 by World Scientific), and co-author of the books "An Introduction to VLSI Physical Design" (1996 by McGraw Hill) and "Modern Placement Techniques" (2003, Kluwer). He is also on the editorial board of the VLSI Design Journal, an Associate Editor of ACM Transaction on Design Automation (TODAES) and an Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design (TCAD).

Professor Sarrafzadeh has collaborated with many industries in the past fifteen years including IBM and Motorola and many CAD industries and was the architect of the physical design subsystem of Monterey Design Systems' main product. He is a co-founder of Hier Design, Inc, and he is the director of the Embedded & Reconfigurable Systems Lab of UCLA Computer Science Department.

Prof. Hamid R. Arabnia

Department of Computer Science

The University of Georgia

Prof. Hamid R. Arabnia received a Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from the University of Kent (Canterbury, England) in 1987. In 1987, he worked as a Consultant for Caplin Cybernetics Corporation (London, England), where he helped in the design of a number of image processing algorithms that were targeted at a transputer-based machine architecture. Prof. Arabnia is currently a faculty of Computer Science at University of Georgia (Georgia, USA), where he has been since 1987. His research interests include parallel algorithms, reconfigurable machines, interconnection networks, and applications of parallel processing in remote sensing and medical imaging.

Prof. Arabnia has chaired many national and international conferences and technical sessions in these areas. He is Editor-in-Chief of The Journal of Supercomputing (Springer) and is on the editorial boards of 11 other journals. Prof. Arabnia is Chair of World Committees of PDPTA (parallel and distributed processing techniques and applications), CISST (imaging science, systems, and technology), SAM (security and management), ICAI (artificial intelligence), and other affiliated research organizations. He is Director/Chair of World Academy of Science (2004 - 2009).

Prof. Arabnia is the recipient of the William F. Rockwell, Jr. Medal for his promotion of multi-disciplinary research (Rockwell Medal is International Technology Institute's highest honor). In 2000, Prof. Arabnia was indicted to the World Level of the Hall of Fame for Engineering, Science and Technology (The World Level is the highest possible level for a living person ¡V there are two higher levels which are posthumous.) Prof. Arabnia has published extensively in journals and conference proceedings; he has over 250 research publications.

Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garis

Head of "UTAH-BRAIN Project"

Utah State University's Artificial Brain Project

Prof. Hugo de Garis has been the Economist Magazine's "World Technology Award" Finalist (1999). In 2000, he obtained US$1 million grant from Brussels Government to build an Artificial Brain, and, in 2001, his artificial brain was recorded in the Guinness Book of World Records "Most Complex Brain Building Machine" (p126, 2001). He obtained a B.Sc. (Hons) in Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics at Melbourne University, Victoria, Australia, in 1970. He moved to the UK where he was a supervisor (instructor) to the mathematics undergraduates of Cambridge University for 4 years. He then joined Philips in Holland and Belgium as a software and hardware architect, covering most branches of computer science. Growing discontent with industry, he switched careers to do research at Brussels University, where he finished a PhD in Artificial Intelligence and Artificial Life. Prof. Dr. de Garis has published some 70 journal/conference papers and book chapters.

From February 1993 to January 2000, de Garis was the head of the Brain Builder Group in the Evolutionary Systems Department at ATR Labs in Kyoto, Japan. The aim was to use Cellular Automata Machines (CAMs) to grow/evolve a 75 million neuron (64K module) artificial brain at electronic speeds, using state of the art evolvable hardware (Xilinx XC6264 FPGA chips) which can update CA cells at over 130 billion a second, and evolve neural network modules in about a second. The name of this research effort was the "CAM-Brain Project". It is de Garis's ambition to see the building of artificial brains grow into a major effort equivalent to America's NASA moon shot.

From Sept 2001, Dr. de Garis has been an associate professor of computer science at Utah State University (USU), Logan, Utah, USA, teaching the planet's first (M.Sc./PhD) course in "Brain Building", and another new course, "Frontiers of Computing" (quantum computing, reversible computing, nanotechnology, DNA computing, membrane computing, quantum dots, molecular computing, etc). He aims to build a new generation of brain-building machine and an artificial brain, each 5 years or so. He is currently looking for funding towards these goals. Prof. de Garis is setting up a "Brain Building Center" at USU, consisting of researchers, students, professors, and commercial interests (May 2002, 11 people so far).

Prof. Graham Megson

Former Acting Vice Chancellor and Provost

University of Westminster

Prof. Graham Megson is the former Acting Vice Chancellor and Provost, University of Westminster. He has been the Professor of Computer Science at the University of Reading from 1995 to 2008. He was Head of Department from 1997-98, and Head of Parallel Emergent and Distributed Architectures Laboratory (PEDAL) at Reading and has enjoyed significant funding from Newcastle University. From 1990-1995 he co-ordinated the University funded Strategic Research Initiative on Parallel Algorithms Research, Newcastle University. From 1995 - present he has been the director of the High Performance Computing Centre (HPCC, a facility of over UKP 1M), at the University of Reading. His work has led to numerous innovative systolic algorithms and the development of the first systematic synthesis method for mapping classes of dynamic (or run-time) dependencies onto regular arrays. Synthesis Tools have been incorporated into the public domain version of MMAlpha. He has solved a number of open mapping problems in the areas of dynamic programming and combinatorial optimization, and in connection with Honeycomb tori as well as designing numerous application specific algorithms. His current interests centre on the development of systematic methods for mapping and scheduling computations on to parallel architectures encompassing the analysis and design of regular parallel algorithms, massively parallel, Field Programmable Gate Arrays, as well as Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms.

Professor G.M. Megson (BSc(Hons), PhD, CEng, MBCS) was awarded a BSc(Hons) Class I in computational science from Leeds University in 1984. After a period of postgraduate research, at Loughborough University, in 1987 he recieved a PhD for work in systolic algorithm design. In July 1987 he was appointed as the ATLAS Research Fellow at Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (RAL) and simultaneously held a Junior Fellowship of Oriel College, Oxford University. Prof. Graham Megson is a member of the BCS, has served on over 10 Programme Committees for international conferences. He has been a member of the IEEE technical committee on computer architecture, the EPSRC review college for the system architectures committee, and currently served on the AWE Supercomputing Panel. He is editor-in-chief of the Journal Parallel Algorithms and Applications (1997-), and edits an international book series on parallel computing. He has published over 130 papers at international conferences in journals including five books on systolic algorithms/architectures and related topics.

Dr. Sio I. Ao
(Ph.D. University of Hong Kong; Post-doc Oxford University of Computing Laboratory,
University of Oxford & Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences
Harvard University)

Dr. SIO IONG AO is a world-renowned expert and inventor with more than 25 years of experience in artificial intelligence, digiTech innovations and network engineering, authoring and/or editing 142 academic books (forty-one books published by Springer, the world's largest academic publisher, with total official eBook paid downloads on SpringerLink reaching 1.55 million times; one book by Taylor & Francis/CRC Press, the world's second largest academic publisher; one book by IEEE Computer Society; seven books by American Institute of Physics; seven books by World Scientific; eighty-five books by IAENG). It is an exceptionally prominent achievement that both of the world's two largest academic publishers have published academic books authored and/or edited by Dr. SIO IONG AO, with their combined total reaching an extraordinarily impressive forty-two academic books on AI, digiTech and network engineering. A few examples of Dr. Ao's books in AI with the publisher Springer are as follows: "Machine Learning and Systems Engineering", "Advances in Machine Learning and Data Analysis", "Electrical Engineering and Intelligent Systems", "Intelligent Control and Innovative Computing", and "Trends in Intelligent Systems and Computer Engineering". Dr. SIO IONG AO obtained his PhD on computational mathematics/AI from the University of Hong Kong and finished his post-doctoral research in Oxford University Computing Laboratory, University of Oxford, and Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Harvard University. Dr. Ao is so exceptionally talented in AI that he has been a post-doc in both of the world's top two best universities. Dr. Ao is a former Visiting Professor, Cranfield University, U.K. & University of Wyoming, USA. Dr. Ao is the laureate of the Young Distinguished Scientist Award (Artificial Intelligence) 2023, and the 21st Century Outstanding Young Engineer Award 2014. Dr. SIO IONG AO is the honorary chair of the IAENG Society of Artificial Intelligence. Dr. SIO IONG AO is the first pioneer of the widely acclaimed minimax linkage hierarchical clustering in AI/machine learning.

Dr. SIO IONG AO is the principal developer of internationally famed AI software CLUSTAG and WCLUSTAG in medical sciences, and a prominent expert in high-level design thinking for AI and digiTech programs, with many of Dr. Ao's 171 academic publications covering a wide spectrum of frontier advances in this topic. A few examples of Dr. Ao's books in AI software and high-level design thinking with the publisher Springer are as follows: "Applied Time Series Analysis and Innovative Computing", "Data Mining and Applications in Genomics", "Advances in Computational Algorithms and Data Analysis" and "Intelligent Automation and Systems Engineering". The software CLUSTAG is the first real-world application of Dr. Ao's first proposed minimax linkage hierarchical clustering.

Dr. SIO IONG AO is a high-profile leader in smart edTech and an expert with international recognition in communication technologies and high-level information security, spearheading transformative initiatives in open access smart edTech publishing, while navigating all cardinal technology and information security development and implementation since 2005. A few examples of Dr. Ao's books in communication technologies and applications with the publisher Springer are as follows: "Trends in Communication Technologies and Engineering Science", "Advances in Communication Systems and Electrical Engineering" and "Advances in Electrical Engineering and Computational Science". Dr. Ao has nineteen years of prominent leadership experience serving as the secretary general of a non-profit international engineering/computer engineering association, with over 210,000 ordinary members and over one thousand committee members from about fifty different countries. Dr. Ao's exceptionally outstanding achievements demonstrate his eminent excellence at nurturing digiTech innovations and initiatives among complex multinational environments for international entities.

Dr. SIO IONG AO is an esteemed pioneer and entrepreneur with worldwide collaborations in AI/digiTech innovations, exploring the insights and/or commercialization potential of deep academic technologies. A few examples of Dr. Ao's books in AI/digiTech innovations and industrial applications with the publisher Springer are as follows: "Electrical Engineering and Applied Computing", "Electronic Engineering and Computing Technology", "Intelligent Automation and Computer Engineering" and "Advances in Industrial Engineering and Operations Research". Dr. Ao has eighteen years of chief executive experience of co-founding a pioneering digiTech venture in Internet computing and network engineering. Interviews by news media include the front-page interview by PC Market (issue 329) of Sing Tao Newspaper, and those by the Hong Kong Economic Times, PCWorld Hong Kong, PCXpress, PCWeekly,, etc. In the news report by Sing Tao Newspaper (10/11/1999), Dr. SIO IONG AO was listed by this prestigious newspaper as one of the ten Outstanding e-Entrepreneurs in Hong Kong.


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