Engineering Letters
The Engineering Letters and other IAENG journals have planned the special issues for revised and extended version of the selected papers from the following conferences:
(1) International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientists (IMECS)
Hong Kong
(2) World Congress on Engineering (WCE)
London, U.K.
(3) World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science (WCECS)
San Francisco, USA
The details of these conferences are available at:
The selection is judged on originality, significance, correctness, and clarity of the papers.
Special Issue on New Trends in Things in Electricity:
Computational-Intelligence-based Optimization, Security Control and
Fault Diagnosis
Submission Deadline: Oct. 31, 2019
The details of this special issue is available at:
Special issue on "Hybrid Intelligent Systems using Soft Computing Techniques"
Guest Editors: Prof. Dr. Oscar Castillo and Prof. Dr. Patricia Melin Description
This Special Issue will consist of papers that integrate different Soft Computing (SC) methodologies for the development of hybrid intelligent systems for modeling, simulation and control of non-linear dynamical systems. SC methodologies at the moment include (at least) Neural Networks, Fuzzy Logic, Genetic Algorithms and Chaos Theory. Each of these methodologies has advantages and disadvantages and many problems have been solved, by using one of these methodologies. However, many real-world complex industrial problems require the integration of several of these methodologies to really achieve the efficiency and accuracy needed in practice. In this Special Issue, an overview of SC methodologies, and their applications to modeling, simulation and control, will be given in an introductory paper by the Guest Editors. Then, detailed methods for integrating the different SC methodologies in solving real-world problems will be given in the papers by the other authors in the Special Issue. The Special Issue will include applications on the following areas: Robotic Dynamic Systems, Control of Non-linear Plants, Manufacturing Systems, and Time Series Prediction.
Topics of interest (not limited to)
1. Successful new applications to real-world problems, related to control, of existing soft computing techniques that are found to achieve better results than conventional techniques. In this case, special attention should be given to the metrics used to compare SC techniques with conventional ones.
2. Developments of innovative hybrid methods combining SC techniques and conventional techniques to solve problems related to controlling non-linear dynamical systems. In this case, the problems to be considered in these papers may not be as complex as the ones in the previous point, but the authors have to explain very carefully how their proposed method could be used, in the future, to solve real-world problems.
3. Papers considering original research on new SC techniques are also welcome, but the authors would have to make a detailed description of how their proposed approach is compared with other related techniques.
Format and Submission Procedure
Papers and must be sent by email, by the prospective authors, to the Guest Editors. The papers and abstracts must be sent as a PDF or word attachment with their email message. The papers will then be distributed to the Reviewers for evaluation according to their originality, technical soundness, writing, etc. (At least three reviewers per paper). Based on the evaluations by the reviewers, the Guest Editors will select the Best papers for the Special Issue. Notifications of acceptance or rejection will then be sent to the authors by email. The authors of accepted papers would then be asked to send their final papers in the appropriate format and also giving careful consideration to the comments and suggestions made by the reviewers. After receiving all of the accepted papers in their final form, the Special Issue will be formed by the Guest Editors and will be sent to the Editor in Chief of the Journal for publication.
Important Dates Call for Paper distribution: May 15th, 2011
Paper Submission deadline: July 15th, 2011
Acceptance of papers: August 15th, 2011
Revised final manuscript due date: September 15th, 2011
Publication: January, 2012
Guest Editors: Prof. Dr. Oscar Castillo, Prof. Dr. Patricia Melin Tijuana Institute of Technology, Mexico
IJCS: Special issue on "Wavelets and its applications towards Signal Processing"
Wavelets provide a unifying framework for decomposing images, volumes, and time series data into their elementary constituents across scale. Although a relatively recent construct, wavelets have become the tool of choice for engineers, physicists, and mathematicians, leading to efficient solutions in time and space frequency analysis problems. The wavelet transform, multiresolution analysis, and space-frequency approaches are now common tools used in image and signal processing. Promising practical results in imaging including industrial applications have been obtained. The application of wavelet theory concepts to this area has made possible significant advances in the usage of these imaging modalities to different applications.
This special issue aims at providing an opportunity for researchers and practitioners interested in the advances in, and applications of wavelet in signal/image processing to meet and discuss the advances and latest developments in this exciting area. All papers submitted to this issue will be peer evaluated by two independent reviewers.
The areas are:
- Wavelet based Signal Image Compression
- A Wavelet-based Analysis of Fractal Image Compression
- Wavelet-based denoising
- Wavelet texture analysis and segmentation
- Wavelets based pattern recognition and matching
- Wavelet based neural networks
- Wavelet footprints and its applications towards signal processing
- Wavelets in medical signal processing
- Wavelet Frames and over-complete representations
- Gabor transforms and time space frequency localization
Instruction to the Authors
Submitted papers should not have been previously published nor be currently under consideration for publication elsewhere. All papers are refereed through a peer review process.
You may send one copy in the form of an MS Word file attached to an e-mail to the e-mail address noted below, (details in Author Guidelines) and one hard copy to the following address.
Important dates
Manuscript due: 25-11-2010
Acceptance notification: 20-02-2011
First correction due: 10-03-2011
Final manuscript due: 05-04-2011
Publication date (Decided by the Journal Editor)
Guest editors:
(1)S. Hossein Mousavinezhad, Ph.D.
Professor and Chair
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
College of Engineering
Idaho State University
921 South 8th Ave., Stop 8060
Pocatello, Idaho 83209-8060
Fax 208-282-4538
(2)Dr.R.Sudhakar, B.E., M.E., Ph.D.,
Professor and Head,
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering,
Dr.Mahalingam College of Engineering and technology,
Pollachi- 642 003.
Phone(O): +91-4259-236030,236040
(1) Security Certification
(2) Hybrid Intelligent Systems using Neural Networks, Fuzzy Logic,
and Genetic Algorithms
(3) Web Engineering
(4) Bioinformatics
(5) Soft computing in Artificial Intelligence, Data and Web Mining, Machine Learning
(6) Advances in Information Engineering
(7) HIV/AIDS Epidemiology
(8) Neural Networks, Fuzzy Logic, and Evolutionary Computing for Intelligent System Design
Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science
(10) High Performance Reconfigurable Systems
(1) Security Certification
Engineering Letters covers all issues related to engineering (including
computer science) and their applications in business and industry.
Information on the journal is available at
We invite contributions for a special issue on Security Certification.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Role of security standards
- Specific software engineering processes
- Tools to support certification
- Case Studies
The aim is to describe both theoretical and practical issues in
the area of certification for security that are of interest to researchers
and practitioners.
Authors should submit their papers electronically, in PDF
format to with the subject indicating
"Submission to EL".
Submitted papers must be original and not submitted for concurrent
consideration elsewhere. All submitted papers will be subject to
the standard journal refereeing process and evaluated on originality,
relevance, significance, and readability.
There are no page charges for papers that appear in the special
All submissions must be prepared in the standard format (template
and style files for MS Word and LaTeX can be obtained by sending
an email to Papers should not exceed 15 pages including
figures, references and appendices.
Important Dates
Submission of paper: 1st March 2006
Notification of acceptance: 30 May 2006
Camera Ready Copy due: 15th of July 2006
Editor of Special Issue
Please contact Padmanabhan (Paddy) Krishnan (Bond University, Australia)
email: for any clarification.
(2) Special Issue "Hybrid Intelligent Systems using Neural
Networks, Fuzzy Logic, and Genetic Algorithms"
Guest Editor: Prof. Dr. Oscar Castillo
This Special Issue will consist of papers that integrate different
Soft Computing (SC) methodologies for the development of hybrid
intelligent systems for modeling, simulation and control of non-linear
dynamical systems. SC methodologies at the moment include (at least)
Neural Networks, Fuzzy Logic, Genetic Algorithms and Chaos Theory.
Each of these methodologies has advantages and disadvantages and
many problems have been solved, by using one of these methodologies.
However, many real-world complex industrial problems require the
integration of several of these methodologies to really achieve
the efficiency and accuracy needed in practice. In this Special
Issue, an overview of SC methodologies, and their applications to
modeling, simulation and control, will be given in an introductory
paper by the Guest Editors. Then, detailed methods for integrating
the different SC methodologies in solving real-world problems will
be given in the papers by the other authors in the Special Issue.
The Special Issue will include applications on the following areas:
Robotic Dynamic Systems, Control of Non-linear Plants, Manufacturing
Systems, and Time Series Prediction.
Topics of interest (not limited to)
1. Successful new applications to real-world problems, related to
control, of existing soft computing techniques that are found to
achieve better results than conventional techniques. In this case,
special attention should be given to the metrics used to compare
SC techniques with conventional ones.
2. Developments of innovative hybrid methods combining SC techniques
and conventional techniques to solve problems related to controlling
non-linear dynamical systems. In this case, the problems to be considered
in these papers may not be as complex as the ones in the previous
point, but the authors have to explain very carefully how their
proposed method could be used, in the future, to solve real-world
3. Papers considering original research on new SC techniques are
also welcome, but the authors would have to make a detailed description
of how their proposed approach is compared with other related techniques.
Format and Submission Procedure
Papers and abstracts must be sent by email, by the prospective authors,
to the Guest Editor. The papers and abstracts must be sent as a
PDF or word attachment with their email message. The papers will
then be distributed to the Reviewers for evaluation according to
their originality, technical soundness, writing, etc. (At least
three reviewers per paper). Based on the evaluations by the reviewers,
the Guest Editor will select the Best papers for the Special Issue.
Notifications of acceptance or rejection will then be sent to the
authors by email. The authors of accepted papers would then be asked
to send their final papers in the appropriate format and also giving
careful consideration to the comments and suggestions made by the
reviewers. After receiving all of the accepted papers in their final
form, the Special Issue will be formed by the Guest Editor and will
be send to the Editor in Chief of the Journal for publication.
Important Dates:
Call for Paper distribution: November 1st, 2005
Paper Submission deadline: January 15th, 2006
Acceptance of papers: April 15th, 2006
Revised final manuscript due date: June 15th, 2006
Publication: December, 2006
Guest Editor: Prof. Dr. Oscar Castillo, Tijuana Institute of Technology,
(3) Web Engineering
Web engineering has provided several important research and practical results especially during the last decade. However, very few of them have transferred to real-life projects. Engineers are unable to study all these results, since it is a time consuming task, difficult to be accomplished in the strict timeline of a project. As more research results come up every year, they constitute a very complex information space that itself need to be engineered, in order to be provided to developers in a meaningful and comprehensive way. The World Wide Web and its associated technologies have become a major implementation and delivery platform for a large variety of applications, ranging from simple institutional information websites to sophisticated supply-chain management systems, financial applications, e-government, distance learning, and entertainment, among others. Such applications, in addition to their intrinsic functionality, also exhibit the more complex behavior of distributed applications.
Recently, there have been some advances towards re-framing the development - both design and implementation - of Web applications as a disciplined and systematic endeavor. However, the vast majority of existing applications have been developed in an ad-hoc way, leading to problems of maintainability, quality and reliability. Web applications are software artifacts, and as such can benefit by making use of established practices stemming from several related disciplines such as Software Engineering, Hypermedia, Information Systems and HCI, enabling creation, management and reuse of structures of the information space as well as enhancing the end user experience. In addition, it has its own characteristics which must be addressed, such as a varied user population, very short development turnaround times, diverse runtime environments, accessibility through multiple devices, etc.
Web Engineering addresses these issues and focuses on systematic, disciplined and quantifiable approaches towards the cost-effective development and evolution of high-quality, ubiquitously usable Web-based systems and applications.
The Special Issue of Engineering Letters on Web Engineering covers processes, methodologies, system design, architectures, lifecycle and management of large Web-based systems, as well as education and research issues. In addition, illustrative case studies and best practices showing successful employment of Web Engineering techniques and principles are also welcome.
Topics include, but not limited to:
- Web application development processes and methodologies
- Collaborative Web application development
- Design models and methods
- Hypertext models and their application on the Web
- OO technology and component-based Web engineering
- Federated and cross-organizational Web applications
- Service-oriented Web application approaches
- Web application frameworks and architectures
- Peer-to-Peer approaches for Web application architectures
- Reuse and integration
- Systematic reuse of Web services
- Use and integration of meta-data in Web applications
- Web design patterns and pattern mining
- Managing Web application design, evolution and maintenance
- Web personalization
- Adaptive Web applications
- Web metrics, quality measures and evaluation
- Web application usability
- Testing automation, methods and tools for Web applications
- Web application deployment
- Performance modeling, monitoring and evaluation
- Development teams and Web project management
- Legal obligations
- Case studies
Authors must submit an electronic copy (in Word or pdf) of their complete manuscript directly to the Guest Editor ( or with subject "Submission to EL".
Submitted papers must be original and not submitted for concurrent consideration elsewhere. All submitted papers will be subject to the standard journal refereeing process and evaluated on originality, relevance, significance, and readability. There are no page charges for papers that appear in the special issue. Submission details are available through
Papers will be reviewed by two independent reviewers. The indicative list of reviewers include:
- Spiros Sirmakessis, Assistant Professor, Computer Technology Institute, TEI of Messolongi
- Giannis Tzimas, Dr., Computer Technology Institute
- Athanasios Tsakalidis, Professor, University of Patras, Computer Technology Institute
- Panayiotis Pintelas, Professor Department of Mathematics, University of Patras
- Michalis Xenos, Assistant Professor, Hellenic Open University,
- Maria Rigou, Dr., Computer Technology Institute
Important Dates
Submissions due |
April 10, 2006 |
Notification of acceptance |
June 19, 2006 |
Camera ready submission |
August 25, 2006 |
More Information and Paper Submission
Assistant Professor
Computer Technology Institute
N. Kazantzaki Str., Patras University Campus
265 04 Patras, Greece
Tel: +302610 960 420, Fax: +302610 960322
Email: |
Giannis TZIMAS
Computer Technology Institute
N. Kazantzaki Str., Patras University Campus
265 04 Patras, Greece
Tel: +302610 960 420, Fax: +302610 960322
Email: |
Guest Editors
Spiros Sirmakessis, Assistant Professor
Dr Spiros Sirmakessis, is an Assistant Professor in the Technological Institution of Messolongi and the Manager of the Internet and Multimedia Technologies Research Unit of the Research Academic Computer Technology Institute ( He is working in the area of designing and evaluating web-systems. He is author of three books with published research work in international journals and conferences.
Giannis Tzimas, PhD
Dr Giannis Tzimas is the technical coordinator of the Internet and Multimedia Technologies Research Unit in Research Academic Computer Technology Institute ( He has significant professional experience in Web applications' design and development and his research interests include Web Engineering, Web Modeling, Web based Education and Intranets/Extranets technologies. He has a significant number of publications in international journals and conferences at these areas.
(4) Bioinformatics
Bioinformatics aims to solve biological problems by using techniques from mathematics, statistics, computer science, and machine learning. Recent years have observed the essential use of these techniques in this field. Examples of such applications include those to gene expression data analysis, gene-protein interactions, protein folding and structure prediction, genetic and molecular networks, sequence and structural motifs, genomics and proteomics, text mining in bioinformatics, and so on. Bioinformatics provides opportunities for developing novel machine learning techniques; and machine learning plays a key role in advancing bioinformatics. This special issue is devoted to computational challenges of important biological problems. Any papers involving the development of state-of-the-art machine learning algorithms and their applications to various tasks in bioinformatics are welcome.
Authors should submit their papers electronically, in PDF format to with the subject indicating "Submission to EL".
Submitted papers must be original. All submitted papers will be sent to reviewers for evaluation on originality, relevance, significance, and readability.
All submissions must be prepared in the standard format (templates and style files for MS Word and LaTeX are available by sending an email to Papers should not exceed 15 pages including figures, references and appendices. There are no page charges for papers appearing in the special issue.
Submission of paper: May 1, 2006
Notification of acceptance: June 1, 2006
Camera Ready Copy due: July 1, 2006
Dr. Dechang Chen, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, USA.
(5) Soft computing in Artificial Intelligence, Data and Web Mining, Machine Learning
Guest Editor: G.Ganesan
In recent days, soft computing tools are widely used in several technical applications. The aim of this issue is to focus on emerging applications of soft computing in the area of Artificial Intelligence, Data and Web Mining, Machine Learning.
Authors are asked to submit their papers through email to with the subject indicating "Submission to Special Issue of Engg. Letter". All submissions must be prepared in the standard format (template and style files for MS Word and LaTeX can be obtained by sending an email to Papers should not exceed 15 pages including figures, references and appendices.
Submitted papers must be original and not submitted for concurrent consideration elsewhere. All submitted papers will be subject to the standard journal refereeing process and evaluated on originality, relevance, significance, and readability.
Last date for Submission of Paper : May 1, 2006
Notification of Acceptance : July 1, 2006
Camera Ready Copy Submission : September 1, 2006
Dept. of Mathematics
JPN College of Engineering
Mahabubnagar (A.P)-509001
(6) Advances in Information Engineering
Guest Editor: Dr. Fidel Cacheda
Engineering Letters covers the frontier issues in engineering and computer science and their applications in business, industry and other subjects. Some of the subjects covered by the journal include artificial intelligence, bioinformatics, database, internet computing, networking or software engineering. Detailed information on the journal is available at
We invite contributions for a special issue on Advances in Information Engineering. Some topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
(1) Information systems and its applications
(2) Web engineering
(3) Web search, data mining and semantic Web
(4) Internet technologies and its applications
The aim is to describe both theoretical and practical issues in the area of Information Engineering that are of interest to researchers and practitioners.
Authors should submit their papers in PDF format by e-mail to the Guest Editor ( with the subject indicating "Submission Special Issue EL". Submitted papers must be original and not submitted for concurrent consideration elsewhere. All submitted papers will be subject to the standard journal refereeing process and evaluated on originality, relevance, significance, and readability.
Notifications of acceptance or rejection will then be sent to the authors by e-mail. The authors of accepted papers would then be asked to send their final papers in the appropriate format and also giving careful consideration to the comments and suggestion made by the reviewers.
All submissions must be prepared in the standard format (template and style files for MS Word and LaTeX can be obtained by sending an email to Papers should not exceed 15 pages including figures, references and appendices. There are no page charges for papers that appear in the special issue.
Important Dates
Call for papers distribution: February 1st, 2006
Paper submission deadline: April 18th, 2006
Notification of acceptance: June 5th, 2006
Revised manuscript due date: July 10th, 2006
Editor of Special Issue
Please contact Fidel Cacheda (University of A Coruna, Spain) e-mail: for any clarification.
(7) HIV/AIDS Epidemiology
Guest Editor: B. D. Aggarwala
Due to HIV/AIDS being the most serious pandemic in the history of
mankind, Mathematical and Statistical modeling, in all different aspects
of this disease, has received considerable attention during the last
two decades. The aim of this special issue of Engineering Letters is to
focus on HIV/AIDS Epidemiology. Papers discussing any aspect of the
development and propagation of the disease are welcome.
Authors are asked to submit their papers through email to with the subject (of e-mail) indicating that
it is a "Submission to Special Issue of Engg. Letters in HIV/AIDS". All
submissions must be prepared in the standard format (template and style
files for MS Word and LaTeX can be obtained by sending an email to Papers should not exceed a total of 15 pages, and should
include an abstract at the top. There is no page charge for papers
submitted to this special issue of Engineering Letters. Submitted papers
must be original and not submitted for concurrent consideration
elsewhere. All submitted papers will be subject to the standard journal
refereeing process.
Last date for Submission of Paper: June 1, 2006
Notification of Acceptance: July 1, 2006
Camera Ready Copy Submission: September 1, 2006
Dept.of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Calgary,
Calgary, Alberta, T2N 1N4
It will be highly appreciated if you can circulate these calls for
papers to your colleagues.
Manuscripts Submission
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